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Dental Health

Bad breath is the worst! No one wants it. All of us have face-to-face interactions with others every single day. Bad breath can be a turn off to other people. It’s the worst feeling when you are talking to someone and you see them take a subconscious step away from you because of your breath. Bad breath can become a daily worry but it doesn’t...

  Chronic jaw pain can be frustrating because it affects your life—how you sleep, how you talk, and how you eat. All of us have aches and pains from time to time. Many of these pains resolve themselves but others linger. Sometimes pain can slowly increase overtime. Many of us can deal with some pain, but when pain becomes so intense you find yourself thinking about...

Protecting Your Teeth this Summer

It’s easy to think of ways we need to protect our skin in the summer. What mother lets her kids go swimming without sun screen on? Sunscreen is a no-brainer but when do we think of protecting our teeth the same way? Obviously, our teeth don’t need sunscreen but our teeth still need protection in the summer. Sometimes we take our teeth for granted—until something...

Cold sores are a sores that appear around the edge of lips. Sometimes they look like blisters and have been called fever blisters. Some people confuse cold sores (outside edge of lips) with cancer sores (shallow sore on inside of mouth). Cold sores are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (or HSV-1). Unfortunately, most people that have HSV-1 will have it their whole lives. Most...

It is summertime and is finally hot outside. It’s time for all those fun outdoor activities—hiking, biking, swimming, and boating. The sun is beating down on you, and you are hot and thirsty. All you want is a cool drink. Hmm…will it be a sports drink? A lemonade? A soft drink? Wait a minute. There is a drink out there that is much healthier for...

Have you ever spent the day slathering on sunscreen as you enjoyed one of the great outdoor activities northern Utah has to offer. Perhaps while you hiked, swam, or went boating? Have you ever returned home, relieved that your efforts paid off, that you don’t have a sunburn, only to find that your lips feel tender, dry, and red? When preventing sunburns, it’s easy to...

With every day of warm weather, summer feels a little bit closer. In just a few weeks, school will end and for many, so will school routines. Your kids may be celebrating the fact they won’t have to get up early, won’t have to do homework, and won’t be gone for 7 hours a day (of course, some parents are probably crying right now reading...

No one wants to have a dental emergency—ever!! None of us like pain or anything that could severely damage our smile. This summer, many of us are going to be a lot of the fun summer activities in Utah. You'll be at kid sporting events, camping, hiking, and boating. Hopefully nothing will happen to our teeth along the way, but what if something does? What...

Ever since your first tooth came in when you were a toddler, your teeth have been moving and developing depending on how well you have been taking care of them. When insufficient oral care is given, tooth decay becomes present in the mouth. When this happens, it is possible for irreversible damage or infection to occur which would lead to only one option, extraction. Dentists...

Food! It tastes good, sooo good! But white teeth look good, sooo good! What is a person to do in order to eat delicious, healthy food but also to have a stain-free smile? Do certain foods stain your teeth more than others? Unfortunately, lots of foods can stain or damage teeth. Below are tips to help you figure out the best ways to eat and...