21 Oct 2016 What Dental Services At What Age?
Children and adults need to visit the dentist regularly throughout their lives. It’s common for people to wonder the proper age for dentist visits. Each phase of life presents new challenges for oral hygiene.
Babies: Dental Services Age 0-12 Months
The earlier a child visits the dentist the better off he or she will be with their anxieties. Some people are afraid of the dentist. However, it has been shown that children who visit the dentist early on form a relationship of trust with the dentist. Babies are at the proper age for dentist visits. Babies, who may sit on their parent’s lap, are able to do a “happy visit” where they get to see the inside of a dentist’s exam room, sit in the chair and become familiar with the dentist.
Some babies are late bloomers when it comes to getting their teeth; however, some get them early. It’s important to start good brushing habits at this age and to start the process of seeing a dentist. Parents have the option of using a special baby toothbrush with fluoride-free toothpaste to clean a baby’s teeth and gums.
Toddler: Dental Services Age 1-3 Years
Toddlers are prone to cavities and other dental issues. It can be odd to a toddler to brush their teeth, but if they start brushing their teeth from the time they are a baby, they are more likely to keep up the habit. However, a dentist can apply a dental sealant to the teeth to help ward off cavities and other issues. Toddlers also need to get regular cleanings and x-rays. At this age, children are able to do fillings and extractions if necessary.
Kids: Dental Services Age 4-12 Years
Children can begin and continue losing teeth in this age range. In the flux of losing baby teeth and having adult teeth grow in their place, children can begin to have issues with their bite, crooked teeth or gaps in their teeth. At times, adult teeth start breaking through gums before baby teeth become loose. Wisdom teeth may present issues as well. Extractions may be necessary. It’s always a good idea to practice good oral hygiene, but it’s more important for kids in this age range as they may need braces to help strengthen their teeth. It’s a common occurrence for those who wear braces to have unevenly stained teeth from a lack of oral hygiene.
Unfortunately, many teenagers start neglecting their teeth. With school, extracurricular activities, an increase in appetite and other schedule demands, proper brushing and flossing of teeth can take a back seat. This leads to many issues within the mouth. Primarily, teenagers experience an increase in cavities, and they experience teeth discoloration. While much of this discoloration is extrinsic and can be fixed, cavities and other oral issues can require fillings, crowns, inlays, onlays or root canals. It is of greater importance to bring them in for regular checkups to do x-rays and cleanings.
Adults and Seniors
Tooth loss can occur from accidents, but it can also occur because of gingivitis and periodontitis. There are a variety of ways to fix this issue. However, it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene and visiting the dentist. Dentures, bridges and implants can help to correct the issue of missing teeth. Implants help to preserve jawbone mass, which helps to maintain proper bite and chewing capabilities.
Visiting a dentist is the best way to discover dental issues and to prevent problems in overall health. Innovative methods and equipment help dentists to discover these issues more efficiently, which results in quicker and lesser office visits.