24 Jan 2019 How To Choose The Right Family Dentist
Choosing the right family dentist in Salt Lake City, Utah or anywhere else is important. You want someone that you can depend on for a cleaning today and dental work for many years to come. You want someone your children like and trust. You want a dentist that offers a range of services, so you don’t have to go to different specialist for every procedure. How do you find the right office? Finding the right dentist can feel overwhelming but isn’t as hard as it seems. Doing a little bit of homework now to find the best fit for your family will be worth it.
Here are some things to look for in a dentist:
Every dentist goes to dental school initially. But what happens after that? You want a dentist who is committed to staying on top of current technology and new techniques. Does your dentist have extra training or specialties in certain techniques? Does your dentist continue to learn new skills? Is your dentist a member of the ADA (American Dentists Association) or another professional organization? These are all important questions to ask a prospective dentist.
Find a dentist who has been practicing a least a few years. Every skill, even dentistry, requires time and trial-and-error to perfect. Another good question to ask a dentist is what procedures he or she performs the most. Perhaps one dentist is great at fillings but has little experience with root canals or crowns. Find out what procedures your dentist does a lot. Go to a dentist with experience doing the procedures you are likely to need. This means looking at what kind of dental services they offer.
Go visit the office of any dentist you are considering. How do you feel when you are there? Do you feel comfortable? Welcome? Are staff members helpful? Positive? Good communicators? Every office has a different feeling that staff members create. That feeling is always different. Does the office feel clean? Does it feel updated? Does the dentist provide ways of motivating children to take care of their teeth? Do they give incentives or prizes to children? How do you feel about the dentist? Is he or she a good communicator? Do you respect the dentist? Getting these questions answered will help you make your decision.
Good online reviews
We live in a digital world. It is easier than ever to communicate with each other. Online reviews can be a great way to get to know a dentist. If the majority of online reviews are positive, you can be confident that the dentist you are thinking about has taken care of other people and will take care of you. Remember, there are always people online that can exaggerate the good and the bad. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
Another great way to get to know dentists is from referrals. Talk to neighbors, co-workers, and Facebook friends and ask for referrals. You can learn a lot about a dentist by hearing about a friend’s experience.
Ultimately, after you have gathered as much information as you can, you just have to choose. Follow your “gut” feeling. Your family and your teeth will thank you.