19 Sep 2012 Have you experienced our new massage chairs?
Our new family dental office in Holladay has been such a good change. Not only are we part of a beautiful new building, but we now have enough space to ensure the comfort and privacy our dental patients deserve. I don’t know if our patients like the massage dental chairs or the TV’s on the ceiling better. Most of you have enjoyed both at the same time. The distractions provided by these really take the edge off of the normal stress of being in the dental chair. One of the best things about the new chairs and the TV’s is how much more comfortable children are. Kids who used to really struggle now barely even notice that we are working in their mouths. Oh, the power of Walt Disney!
Our adult patients love it as well. With hundreds of viewing choices available time in the dental chair passes quickly. When you or your friends need excellent dental care in the Holladay Utah or surrounding areas, you may as well do it with Dr. Jesse Greaves where your dental needs will be taken care of in comfort.
Dr. Greaves getting a dental chair massage.
TV’s in the ceilings!
Dr. Greaves watching the new in-ceiling TVs.
Dr. Jesse Greaves Holladay Family Dental Massage Chair.