06 Mar 2016 Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures: Bonding, Veneers, Whitening, Lumineers
Before going on a search for a good dentist who can perform cosmetic dentistry in Salt Lake City, Utah, it is a good idea to learn about they various cosmetic dentistry procedures. There are cosmetic procedures that can improve both the appearance and the health of a person’s teeth. The cost of the procedures and how they work all vary. At Holladay Family Dentistry we want you to make the right choice about what type of cosmetic dentistry procedure is right for you.
Dental Bonding
Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure that is designed to improve the appearance and health of the teeth. A tooth colored resin material is applied and bonded to the teeth. It can be used to restore teeth that have become discolored by age, or the environment. It is also effective for repairing chipped or cracked teeth. It can be used to help teeth that are decaying. Many people use dental bonding to fill in gaps or to change the shape of the teeth. The process involved in bonding is relatively simple and only requires about 30 to 60 minutes to complete. This is one of the least expensive ways to restore the appearance of the teeth. Dental bonding is not always the best option in every case. In some cases there is not enough tooth structure for the bonding material to adhere to.
This is another process that can produce results that are similar to dental bonding. It is used for many of the same purposes such as covering teeth that have been damaged by injury or disease, teeth that have been discolored and teeth that people are not happy with the appearance of. Veneers are a thin composite material that is attached to the front of the teeth. The procedure requires a person to have an exam and to have a mold of the teeth made. The veneers are made at a lab from the mold. That process can take 1 to 2 weeks. Once the veneers have been made, they are bonded to the teeth with a special cement. Veneers can fix some of the problems that dental bonding is not capable of.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is a procedure that is designed to make the teeth whiter. It is often referred to as bleaching. The process involves putting a special type of chemical on the teeth to whiten them. It is designed to help people that have teeth that have become discolored by age or from staining. There are teeth whitening products that people can do themselves, but for best results a person should go to a dental professional in Salt Lake City. For best results, teeth whitening needs to be done every 3 to 6 months.
Lumineers are an increasingly popular type of veneer. They serve the same role as traditional veneers. They can be used to improve the appearance of teeth. Lumineers are a very thin veneer that is translucent. They have the natural appearance of the enamel of the teeth, but they do not require the preparation or the pain that can be involved with traditional veneers. They can be applied to the front face of the teeth without having to remove much of the enamel of the teeth. Lumineers typically require two visits to complete the procedure.
Cosmetic dentistry is one of the services we offer at Holladay Family Dental. Learn more about Cosmetic dentistry procedures on our Cosmetic Dentistry page. Residents of Holladay, Utah and Salt Lake City, Utah can feel confident coming to Dr. Greaves for a wide variety of general dentistry services. Call Kerri or Angela at xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information or to schedule a consult.