A New Year, a Brighter You! - Holladay Family Dental
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A New Year, a Brighter You!

A New Year, a Brighter You!

It’s January, the beginning of a new year. Start the year off right with a fresher, more confident you! At Holladay Family Dental, we want our patients to be confident in their smiles!

We try to stay on the cutting edge of technology and pass the benefits on to you. We now offer an innovative whitening system that gives awesome results without sensitivity. It’s the GLO Science Professional whitening treatment. With GLO Science, you can get visibly whiter teeth in 1-5 days.

So, what is GLO Science Professional treatment? How does it work?

GLO Science Professional is a dual whitening experience. Dual means in the office and at home. It was developed by oral health expert Dr. Jonathan Levine as he sought to give his patients a great whitening experience without sensitivity. The patented Guided Light Optics (GLO) innovation combines heat and light in a mouthpiece. The mouthpiece glows and warms a professional strength gel that is brushed on the patient’s teeth. The patient owns the mouthpiece after the in-office treatment and can use it at home. The mouthpiece is great because it works for every mouth regardless of size. This system doesn’t use strips or trays because both of them tend to slip and get bleaching agents on the gums, a cause of sensitivity.

The GLO whitening gel does not cause sensitivity for several reasons. For one, it does not contain alcohol or carbamide peroxide, two common ingredients in other whitening systems that can dry out the gums, causing sensitivity. It also doesn’t travel onto gums once it is brushed on the teeth. It stays on the teeth, another way this treatment avoids sensitivity.

When you are ready to brighten your smile, call us. You will schedule a 90-minute appointment. This may sound long but the results are worth it. When you come in, our staff will prep your gums to eliminate any chance of the gel getting on your gums. Then we brush the professional strength gel on your teeth. After that, it’s time to GLO. We insert the mouthpieces that lights and warms the gel. The treatment is just 8 minutes. After that, we remove any gel left on your teeth and reapply more gel. You do the 8- minute treatment 3 more times for a total of 4 times, with the actual treatment time at 32 minutes. It’s that easy. After your treatment, we give you an at-home kit complete with the gel and mouthpiece. For the next 5 days, or until you are satisfied with your teeth’s whiteness, you repeat the treatment. So each day you would brush on the get 4 times and use the heat/light device for 8 minutes each time for a total of 32 minutes. After 5 days, the treatment is complete. We are confident you will love the results!

Does GLO whiten veneers and other artificial teeth? Or does it just work on real teeth?

Yes, GLO Professional will brighten any artificial tooth surface—porcelain veneers, bonded teeth, and implants.

Call Us Today

Whiter teeth can make you appear more vibrant, healthy, young, and successful. Now, with GLO Science, there’s a way to achieve whiter teeth in just days, without your teeth becoming sensitive. To find out more about our GLO whitening treatment and to start the New Year white and bright, call our office at .