If you're like a lot of people, the worst part about going to the dentist is the dreaded novocaine shot. Just the thought can make your gums hurt and put you on edge. But what is novocain? When we understand what it is and how dentists use the numbing agent in their work, going to the dentist doesn't have to be scary. Read More...
What to Know About Novocaine Shots
Can Dental Mouth Guards Eliminate Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea is a potentially serious health issue that affects millions of people around the world, and unfortunately, the majority of them are either unaware that they suffer from the condition or have yet to seek treatment. However, the potential problems that these sleeping troubles can create for both your health and your overall quality of life means that it's important that all apnea sufferers get the help they need. Luckily, many cases can be treated simply through the use of a nighttime mouth guard, which means that your dentist might just hold the key to a better night's sleep. Read More...
Summer Tips for a Healthy Mouth
Summer is a great time to focus on your smile. Healthy teeth and gums will allow you to better enjoy the fresh produce you find in the stores and farmer's markets. Read More...
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